
BigKath: Just in case you were wondering, "bigkath" is made up of the first part of my last and first names and has nothing to do with my size. :o)

Monday, November 14, 2011

Temple time!

I am so grateful for temples!  Since I moved home for the last few months, my routines and schedules have changed.  Not having roommates or much of a social life as well as being overwhelmed with my thesis and studying for the Praxis test has made me feel bogged down and discouraged.  I realized that my temple attendance (along with other things) was lacking.

One morning that I didn't have school, I decided to go to the temple first thing.  I didn't get up as early as I planned (Satan gets to me that way a lot).  But I got dressed and headed for the temple, only to find that it was closed for the yearly cleaning.  I felt defeated.  Satan was working hard on me.  I was stressed with school and time was precious.  It would have been so easy to just go home and study.  But I couldn't give in that easily.  There were several more temples within a 30 minute drive.  I thought of all the many people throughout that world who are lucky to go to the temple once a year or even once in their entire life.  Surely I can drive a few extra minutes to get to another temple.  How blessed I am to be so close to so many temples!  So I went to another temple.  It ended up taking a huge part of my day, but it was worth it.  I conquered Satan, at least for that day! I felt the beautiful spirit of the temple as I served and was reminded of Heavenly Father's love for me.

I have wanted to be a temple worker, but it hasn't worked out so far.  I decided that for the rest of the year I would try to spend about as much time in the temple each week as I would if I were a temple worker, which means going at least twice a week.  I have already noticed a HUGE difference in my life.  I feel better.  I feel happier!  It is a little easier to get out of bed in the morning.  It is a little easier to stay motivated with my school work.  It is a little easier to feel loved by Heavenly Father, others, and myself. 

I am so grateful for temples!  I know that the covenants and ordinances of the temple make it possible for us to be with our families and loved ones forever.

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